How Janice uses her Lucies …


Janice subscribes to Lucies through our app on her smartphone or desktop. She can now buy what she wants, invest her money or connect to women-strong projects using her Lucies.

Janice likes the deals and special promotions she gets as a Lucies subscriber when she goes to her favourite stores, bars and cafes. Janice also gets regular updates from Lucies on what services and products she can get near her at a special $Lucies price.


Because Janice has bought a coat recently for $120, she will get nudges on her phone telling her how much she should save this month, how much to pay back, and how much she can spend this month, based on her money coming in and the goals she’s set for herself in the Lucies app.


Janice can give, get and invest with her rewards. Will she grab some vouchers for her favourite mall? Will she donate them to Dignity NZ to make sure school girls have pads and tampons so they don’t miss school? Or will she micro-loan her rewards to a woman writing a PhD in marine biology? Maybe she’ll become a co-producer in a movie with hundreds of other women called Wahine Toa Hunting – about women who learn to hunt to feed their families. That’ll be a fun premiere! If none of this appeals, she can always just transfer her rewards into her kiwisaver.


When Janice logs on to her account via her desktop or mobile phone, she can find out her available balance, how many rewards her spending has generated and how she can use them.


When Janice logs into her Lucies account she can also see what the options are for what the Lucies Fund will be supporting this quarter. Janice can vote with a tap of a button on where she thinks the Lucies profits will be better spent this time around.